Saturday, September 12, 2009

Create a Firebird database from script file with ActiveRecord

Once I needed to create a Firebird database from a SQL script file using the ActiveRecord component from Castle Project. First problem was to convince ActiveRecord to execute a non-query command and the second, to execute the script file using the Firebird embedded engine.

Execute non-query commands with ActiveRecord

The main idea is to grab the IDbConnection object from the current ActiveRecord session. After that, you can use this connection any way you want to.



    delegate(ISession session, object data)


        IDbConnection conn = session.Connection;

        IDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();




        cmd.CommandText = sqlCommand;


        return null;



Create database by script file on Firebird embedded

Here the problem is that Firebird can't execute the entire sql script file as a sigle statement. Doing so, you will get an "Dynamic SQL error" right before the second "create table" command.

The solution is to split the script file content by ";" to get each SQL statement as a single chunk. Some code clean-up is also required.


string[] scriptCommands = scriptFileContent.Split(";".ToCharArray());


string pattern = @"[\n\r]";

string fixupPattern = @"\x20{2,}?";


foreach (string scriptCmd in scriptCommands)


    Regex reg = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline);

    string sqlCommand = reg.Replace(scriptCmd, "\x20");

    Regex fixup = new Regex(fixupPattern);

    sqlCommand = fixup.Replace(sqlCommand, "\x20").Trim();


    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlCommand))



    delegate(ISession session, object data)


        IDbConnection conn = session.Connection;

        IDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();




        cmd.CommandText = sqlCommand + ";";



        return null;





kick it on

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